#1 2019

I thought that I might take up blogging again. Well, writing in general. Mostly for my own sake and to gather research, inspiration and get a kind of overview over my creative work and life. These two are very much connected and very "me". My muggle work on the other hand is what it is, but fills a good purpose also.

I will write things oddly and spell things wrongly, since English is not my first language. I will as usual write anyway and just ask if you wonder what the dickens I'm talking about.
I have no plan at the moment to lay out well thought through essays and meanderings and topics, I often wish I'd be one of those who plan out blogging, instagram, their web site and webshop in a most spectacular way like a well-oiled machine! Then again, after a few years on this earth I am starting to know myself a little better - and how I am great at starting things, and jotting down ideas. Only to then start new things and jot down new ideas and then do the dishes, and then start crocheting a hat whilst watching Miss Marple and then it's night all of a sudden ...

So I'll try and not make it so big in my head this time, and I am saying all of this more to myself than anyone else. I know that writing does me good, and I have been away from it for too long now.
